
Friday, July 30, 2010

first event this sem...

dear bloggers...

hahahaha...kenape sy gelak?? gelak sebab hepi la..kan2..heee..

i juz want to story morry about my first event that i join for this sem which is Digital Art Competition 2010..i hav been chosen as the AHOD for competition department..brpofahhaktuih!!!..ish2..nape sy cakap omputih ni?? ni sume sebab my HOD la..dia datangnya dari Indonesia..that's why sometimes i kne cakap omputih you know..bekos sometime he didn't understand malay you know..

tp seriesly dye ni funny gile..sbb dye try ckp cam org melayu bunyi dye lain la..nk demo kat sini pn cam x jadik seyesly lawak-king la..(gelak sekarang okeh)..hehe..

smlm and harini kitorang kne interview org..wahh..first tyme kot..x penah sy jd interviewer..hihi..yang x tahan, org yang kne interview x cuak ni yang ketaq gile..hahaha...ape daaaa...

okeh, kontijen baru dah dipilih..congrats to aishah, nasih, hazman, and nadia for becoming our new family!!! welcome to the club!!! clap2..heee...

skrg ni nk tnye pasal kje pn kne ckp omputih..huhu..xpe..practice make perfect..tbe2 teringat kat kontijen2 KSR..waaaa..rindu pok cheq, pika, ain, mael, wan, min, zafri, nashiha, azfar, ayie, haikal, sarah, hanis, azzim, cheng, idayu, n sume2 la..(qila n intan x yah rindu..sbb owez in my heart..chewahhh).. je kot..ade kje la..yudi da gtok2..okeh..papai..

p/s: yudi tu my head la..hehe..