
Monday, July 25, 2011

sila amik political science...

dear bloggers..

hari ni dua test sy dah tempuh dngn jayanya..phuuhh...Econs ngn Political Science..antara dua2 test ni, Political Science paling korg yg x amik subjek humanities ni, sy cadangkan amik laaa PS..ngeh3..

test PS dah la open book, open mouth pulak tu..mane x best..ade gak usha2 soklan past sem, siap ade soklan "what is PS course code?" ngn "who is the author of the PS textbook"..haaa, jarang dpt test gini..hehe..

tp td kitorg punye test unik sket, ade 3 soklan esei..(lebey kurg gini laa)..

soklan fes: "ask a set of questions (yg relates dgn ape yg kite belaja setakat ni)"
soklan second: "state reason why you ask that question?"
soklan third: "how do you answer the question that you ask?"

kalau korg, korg jwb ape??soklan dye, suruh tanye dye soklan balik..kelaka, tp ini serius..kate pun test..hehe..jawab je la..

my answer:
what is concept of state?
what is PS?
who is the philosopher?
difference between power and authority..
bla..bla..merepek, merapu, smpai penuh kertas tu den korjekan..



Qila Jimmy said...

likeee political science!;D