
Sunday, January 30, 2011

its me...

dear bloggers...

actually sy nk share wif u something...dunno what to do...i'm quite a jealous person..ermm, not quite actually, mybe lotsss...i like to stalk him, n when i see, some conversation between him n other girls, sy jadi sedeyh....hurmmm...

i noe his job which playing around with girls, taking photo of them n sy try to admit it but sometimes i can't...hurmm...knpe ek mcm ni...sometimes, i try to impress you n you do nothing to impress me..mybe sy ni suke tngok cite fairy tale which mens mmg sume kacak2 n romantik...



Anonymous said...

bru baca yang nie

sakura said...

owww..lupe nk delete....hak2..