dear bloggers and you....
post ni mybe akn hurt someone, or buat someone realized or apape je la yg kamu2 rse..but sy juz sy nk share my thoughts, my feelings becoz me, myself x reti nk express feelingss in physical x reti cara way is by writing on smthing..bla2..n at last release sume masalah..x jadi masalah kat kamu2 kn...
actually i got some problem with someone_who_i_never_met (bajet harry potter)..masalah ni kecik je..x tau la nk kategorikan ni as masalah ke, or salah faham..hurm..
sy ade buat satu application cam bodoh2 ni kat fb..nme dye top friend ape tah..x phn pn try mnde2 alah gini..sbb try ritu, juz for nk lwn2 ngn my cousin sape dpt tempat paling top among us la..ulang balik, juz nk lwn2 ngn my cousin..x de niat lain yg tersembunyi or whatever..kalu nk diikutkan dlm 20 org jugak la yg 'ter'tag dlm photo application nih..ulang lagi, TER bukan sy yg tag org okeiii..
then, about 2 days lps sy gambar tu terpost kat wall sy, suddenly her, comment somthing..tyme bce notification tu agak excited..coz her x pnh nk comment page sy..even balas comment sy..
cmne sy boleh knl her ni..actually incik haikal ade sorg kwn yg sngt rapat ngn dye..da tahap abg adik la katekan..incik haikal selalu cite pasal kwn dye ni kat sy..her ni kire wife kpd kwn incik haikal tu..i know much about them, they got two cute princess..soo cute you know!! adik2 her ni seyes cun2 n cantik2 agak stalk la diorg..becoz i want to be like her!! hot mama kott...:)
after click kat notification tu, agak terkejut sikit, coz ape yg her comment agak x bape sdap nk dngr..becoz on that photo, 'ter' tag kwn incik haikal ni..hurm, ok..then i try to reply as peace as i can (x sure btol ke x ayat ni) so that x de sape perasan ketegangan yg berlaku di wall sy..when i reply that, her reply again with some words that really makes me feel sad...
"please remove"
"SEMAK kat wall"
semak is not a good thing ye kanak2..hurm......
cube kamu2 bayangkan, sy x pnh lagi jumpe her ni, face to face, but i am really admiring her, and she wrote to me like this..urghhh!!
td seyes smpai my water eye fall down stairs...huhuhu...
i told everything to incik haikal..juz nk release my sadness..actually da agak da yg kitorg akan besar kepala, me queen control, me suke ikut kepala sendiri,
ye sy tahu tu kwn x suruh pun g putus x suruh pun sebelah kn sy, jgn sebelah kn x suruh pun g selidik hal ni..kang tambah besar lagi ade la..xde..i need you to understand me..i need u to make me calm when i am ni tambah lagi satu sy da x de tempat nk ngadu..last2 br realized yg umi sy sentiasa disisi kalau sy ade i'm not alone anymore..
sy kuat!! i can bear with this!! hehe..x leh blah ayat..nway, sorry kalau ade yg terase..mintak maaf sngt2..sbb ni je cara nk release ape yg ade dlm hati ni..kdg2 kte x boleh nk jge hati org lain sngt smpai hati kte sndri yg terluke..kn2..
for me this really a mistake,after i spoke to my adviser(mom) she not thing that "SHe" was mad and hate at you,there must be like "SHe" didn't want notification to much maybe,i dont know,the fact i think u do a terrible mistake just remove "SHe" and "He" as a friend,but anyway i spoke to my adviser,if i told like this b4,any u might think i on their side.But for me,i know u just wanna beat your cousin for a silly app,maybe this silly app make someone uncomfortable.Try take positive,i not told they are good and u were wrong.anyway,i want make u calm but at last u talk,i keep quiet,last2 u ckp pompet2 i dgr,last2 u ikut cara u,i kene follow.maybe u xley bersama(i mean berkawan ngn org yg bercakap pedas)smpai telinga panas.if u buley laa,test laa kawan ngn budak melaka,or muar or johor yg bercakap pedas.i dont want this silly thing became more serious.if it became more serious,think are u still need me or not.
intan budak johor!:P.she can speaks politely though. but then, some words that pokka said was rite la sayang~:) maybe she's in the bad mood or terasa something about that apps. not that she's mad at you~:)so let it be je~ramai lagi org yg syg sity~hehe ♥
qilah budak melaka! me budak johor and sekolah kat muar! x penah lak kene cop mulut pedas kan kan.. origin x tentukan perangai la kawan2.. btw, 'she' kinda harsh la cakap macam tu kat someone yang dye x kenal but is special to 'her' hubby friend.. being in bad mood didnt give her the right to snatch anyone mood too.. tapi sity camtula dunie, kite x bole nak larang orang buat itu ini, x bole nak tutup mulut orang cakap itu ini.. kite doa jela kite x jadi macam tu, and doa jela dye jadi lebih baek.. kami orang sayang sity ^^ ulu cepor ulu cepor yeah!!~ x sabaw
abg: yup2..i got my fren from melaka n johor too..but they are really nice..mybe org laki je kot..
qila n intan: actually pagi2 td kitorg da setel hal ni..konklusinye maw buat bodo je..sbb haikal ade kat tengah2..dye pun x leh nk follow sape2 yg kte x suke, dye pun kne x suke jugak..x best la tu mmg kwn rapat haikal, bukan kalau la in case diorg tnye haikal apape, kte juz suruh dye ckp x tahu, wat2 cm dye x tahu..sng kn..drpd nk besar2 kn cite..
btw ktorg da x gado da..hehe..
thanks for ur concernnesss...syg korg sngt2..wuu..terharuuu..jom pegi chepor!!!
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