
Saturday, January 14, 2012

new year new look!!

Dear bloggers..

Wollaaaa....long time no see huh?? hehe..last post before intern ritu..heh, bnyk bnde nk tu la, bz sikit..balik kje letih gile, x sempat nk bukak lappy nk hupdate ko, blog..hehe..okeh, meh kte cite pasal intern..

sy intern kat airfoil services sdn yg servicing blades aircraft kat kota damansara..ulang alik dr gombak ke kota damansara ade la amik mase 45minit, tp pnh jugak la smpai sejam stengah..huhu..yg buat letih tu drive la..kdg2 berenti kat kepsi jap, bli snack box, mamam dlm kete tyme2 jam..yum3..

pasal kje, jgn tnye..da mcm permanent stapp da ni..buat kje mcm2, tp x kn nk merungut kot..org2 kat production seyes baik......dan hensem2..hahaha..xdela, baik3..seronok la kje kat situ, even gaji dibayar lewat routine tasks, buat bulletin, video, mengupdate ape yg perlu diupdate, KAIZEN things and my biggest project is electronic tracking system..waaaa...chemical, dpt project electrical..^_^

SV sy seyes sempoi gile..seronok la kje under dye..progress report dpt full mark..Alhamdulillah, tu yg best tu..department sy wajib every month keluar makan sama2 sekali..tu yg wajib, yg x wajib tu, selalu..hehe..ktorg kat sini dpt lunch free, sedap...n boleh pilih nk mkn bile dah masuk bulan ke3 intern, da x tau nk pilih ape, rase same je..dah boleh agak kalu nasi goreng kampung dye rase ape, nasi goreng sambal dye rse ape..x sabar tunggu hari jumaat untuk makan kat luar..huhu

erm, k la, i'm yawning..haaa, one more thing..happy new year to all, walaupun dah terlambat..jage diri ye kwn2..kalu drive tu jgn laju2..hehe.. ^_^


Qila Jimmy said...

waaah!!seronoknya sity!!kt sometimes mcm hell kat sini(T_T)trust me they are not so nice.mula2 yela.lama2 hahahahaha. tuhan je tau. too strict with everything. but i did learn that hardship will pays well. insyaAllah~:) this internship buat kt jadi tabah.

sitysakura said...

yup2..btol tu..better kte suffer skrg , at least nnti bile da kje btol2, kte x de la rase kekok, sbb da di train mcm tu..hehe..

Qila Jimmy said...

hehehe.kt merana sgt last few weeks fikir pasal markah tu :P thanx dear! <3 u and miss u much2 sgt!!!!(T_T)

fishies said...

kumi pun cakap kat sana tak best qila. huuu